WONDERFUL 10 ($28.5)
The highest quality Art-Posters, based on Original Olivera Golf Art pieces, printed in UV technique , unique, luxurious and authentic.
We offer several sizes of Art-Posters, covering all your needs for beautiful piece of Art on your wall.
Quality, unique products for passionate golfers, based on Art and Design created by Olivera. Perfect gift for you, your golf mates and everyone who love and enjoy in originally created accessories and apparel inspired with golf game.
Created by worldwide renowned Golf Artist – Olivera Cejovic, those collections are pure refreshing offer to the market.
After more than 25 years in the arts and creative work, Olivera presents some of the artwork you haven’t seen before.
Unique Art by worldwide renowned Artist. Enjoy in priceless, absolutely original art style and unique technique.
Every piece of Olivera GolfArt is created with a passion and love. This can be easily recognised in many small details on every each piece of her Art. From great golfer swing poses, over some magical golf moments to some specific artistic expression.
But perfection of prints production is also one amazing element. Thanks to great service, every each GolfArt print has focused on premium museum quality and excellence.
It is very hard to describe golf and such a great obsession by many people with this amazing game. Golf and Art have something similar – both strive to make specific and positive emotions. Golf is like a life and what best describe deep emotions of life then Art.
Unique in many aspects, from amazing story about artist life, to brave and sincere decision of Olivera to dedicate her life to Art. Every piece tell us some beautiful story.
Olivera GolfArt Shop have couple of predefined formats and print versions. But for a most demanding clients, we are absolutely ready to make some pure miracles. From magnificent huge-size prints, to specific framing options and much more. You just need to make a wish and contact us
All of the latest news and information from the Olivera GolfArt – new GolfArts, golf trends, special photos, Olivera articles, interviews and the best advices for your GolfArt selection. Don’t forget to regularly visit this website and find all information and news about Olivera GolfArt.
NFT Collectible Golf Avatars
Following the latest trends, Olivera Golf Art offers millions of...
Custom Art
There are moments in life that we want to remember...

Olivera Cejovic is professional Golf Artist. She finished Art Academy like one of the best students in class. Almost 15 years, she was a key creative person in family owned Advertising Agency. For her creative work she received many International awards.
From 2012 she become full time job Golf Artist. Her passion and dedication is above the all limits.
Even Olivera is one of the world renowned Golf Artist, she is still one simple lady, with a beautiful manners, ready to help and support many of charities and foundations. Modest and sensitive, she is a perfect example of person who understand the essence of golf. Her GolfArt is on the walls of many people and professional golfers. And some of greatest golf legends admire her priceless talent.
Olivera GolfArt is art brand recognised by the uniqueness and high artistic quality. Limited edition, highest quality Golf Art prints, premium quality books, magazines and other products created by worldwide famous Golf Artist Olivera Cejovic.