When Olivera decide to finally after so many years of work, offer her GolfArt to wide audience, this Online Shop&Gallery look like a best solution. We know that many Olivera GolfArt fans, friends and followers wait so long for opportunity to purchase some of Olivera GolfArt pieces. That moment finally come in 2016.
For Olivera GolfArt Shop there are couple conditions : this must be exclusive Golf Art shop, very special, unique and without any quality compromise. And here we are, the whole project is now successfully finished and we are very proud on final result. Olivera GolfArt Gallery&Shop – is just we all want to be – same like a whole amazing GolfArt created by this beautiful lady.
Olivera passion become our passion, and we all give our best to make Olivera proud and all customers pleasant and happy.
Olivera GolfArt Online Gallery&Shop is just one small step in one long journey : we want to give opportunity to all avid golfers and fans to have chance to enjoy in unique expression of Olivera GolfArt.
Despite these premium, limited edition, quality prints, we want to work hard with Olivera, and to offer a whole new range of unique beautiful artistic golf products.
We know that many people already know about Olivera GolfArt, but we want to createWORLDWIDE famous and recognised art brand, with exceptional, prestigious and luxury art products for golfers. Golf deserve that, Olivera deserve that, whole team also deserve that.
Olivera GolfArt is one great story, about passion that has exceeded all the limits.
– Olivera Cejovic –
Everyone like to be unique. Olivera GolfArt Gallery&Shop offer unique products for avid golfers. This is something that you can not find anywhere else, only here in Olivera GolfArt Gallery&Shop.
We are more than a pride that we can say – we offer unique GolfArt products, and this is first ever this kind of Gallery&Shop. Yes, there is so many stores that offer some golf products – memorabilia or similar, even some of them have some GolfArt products. But Olivera GolfArt is a unique art brand that guarantee : uniqueness, quality and products that can be found only here.
We all know that art through the time, only gaining in value. This is a fact. So it is same with Olivera GolfArt products. Over time, each owner of Olivera GolfArt : Prints, T-shirts, Balls, etc. only gaining in value.
Consider this: if you buy some of Olivera GolfArt prints, you can use that to get the original signature of your favourite golfer. Therefore you multiplied a value. Since Olivera GolfArt offers only limited edition of prints – this in itself is already enough reason to be one of the few owners of these works of art. We call it: a good and wise investment.
Quality of our products is at the highest level.
Each of the Olivera GolfArt prints is done as per the standards that meet museum/gallery quality. That’s why we say that we offer lifetime products that remain even to the future generations.
Golf itself is a gentleman’s game, and everything is based on the highest standards. Therefore, we are proud to be part of that community. There is no compromise when it comes to product quality.
With a great pleasure, we present team that is involved and/or work on this great project. Each person is so important and each one have huge contribution in this whole chain.
Olivera GolfArt is something which gathers really great people, creative persons, great professionals and sincere golf lovers.
We are sure that Olivera GolfArt team will grow and gather a lot of great people from all over the world. This is not a local but a global GolfArt, and so we want to welcome all our friends around the globe.
Of course, Olivera GolfArt main team are presented here and what make this team unique and great is a fact that all of them are in the first place great friends and great persons. All together they make Olivera GolfArt miracle.
Olivera GolfArt team wish you very welcome to this unique and beautiful Gallery & Shop.

Olivera Cejovic
Golf Artist

Tristan Jones
Photographer & Partner

Joe Velotta
Photographer & Partner

Frank Föhlinger
Photographer & Partner

Bernard Brault
Photographer & Partner

Branko BanjO Cejovic
Founder & GM