By OliveraGolfArt
Posted in GolfArt News | Tags : art, art against covid, artist, artistic, artwork, corona virus, coronavirus, covid 19, olivera cejovic, olivera golfart
Understanding those very hard and frustrating times, Olivera GolfArt try to give some contribution to the golf game and great golf community.
Thanks to Olivera Cejovic, we started with special action :
Let’s be BETTER
Olivera decide to spent her time and to create 10 FREE GolfArt to selected golfers from all over the globe. Olivera also believe that Art can be good medicine. Happiness and hope is what we need to keep all the time. Olivera strongly believe that this lifetime value will be the best gift to all great golfers and people love and enjoy in golf in those tough times.
Once again, Olivera show us how great person and how great Artist she is. We are more than proud to be part of such a team.
And finally with action : Let’s be BETTER, Let’s be TOGETHER, I we also try to collect donation for older people – mostly affected by Corona Virus (COVID-19).
Will be more than grateful for support and all donations.
Please donation at PayPal account :
Take care and stay well,
Branko BanjO Cejovic, CEO
Olivera GolfArt Galley & Shop