By OliveraGolfArt
Posted in GolfArt News | Tags : art, discount, framed, gift, golf, GolfArt, miniatures, new, Olivera, product, promotion, promotional, ready to use
Our absolutely NEW and greatest product EVER ! Miniatures of Olivera GolfArt : FRAMED, STAMPED, SIGNED, … LIMITED EDITION – READY TO USE and still AFFORDABLE ! Perfect for your library, for your shelves, for your desk, for your table, … and of course for your wall.
We will have art pieces of this dimension: 10×15 cm, 18x13cm and 21x30cm (plus frame).
This is not only PERFECT GIFT for you, this is also PERFECT GIFT for each golfer and golf fan.
We will have great promotions all the time : for example : ORDER 4 GET ONE FREE etc …
Stay tuned and be first that will order those fantastic golf items – valuable and produced in high quality. Prices in FIRST MONTH will be SUPER-PROMOTIONAL and this is reason, why you need to consider to MAYBE make some income – sale or become official representative of Olivera GolfArt. For Golf Clubs, Golf Pro Shops, etc – we offer great discounts on our regular prices.
We believe that you maybe need to contact us for that unique opportunity 😉